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BPM PS Regranulat A03

BPM PS Regranulat A03

Black, Anthracite, Colorful

– Packaging industry, trays, films, sheets
– Film production (ABA process)
– Garden industry, among other things, as trays and flower pots
– Furniture industry for stands, interior cladding and handles
– Insulating foils and panels for further processing for example through thermoforming, pipes and profiles
– Technical applications including filter frames and picture frames
– Technical compounds like housing

  • Density: 1.05 g/cm³
  • Melt flow index MFR: 5.5 g/10 min.
  • Tensile modulus: 2100 MPa
  • Charpy impact strength 23°C: 20 kj/m²
  • Charpy notched bar impact strength 23°C: 3.0 kj/m²
  • Yield stress: 21.7 MPa
  • Elongation at yield: 1.6%.

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Packaging industry

Industrial packaging, containers, blister boards


Garden tools, garden furniture, boat hulls

Furniture industry

Garden furniture, hot water tanks, interior cladding, handles

Electrical industry

Shaped parts and casings for radios, television sets, notebooks, telephones, computers, printers, electrical tools, optical equipment, interior linings for refrigerators and freezers

Foil industry

Insulating foils and plates for further processing, e.g. by thermoforming, pipes and profiles